Is The Coronavirus Affecting Pregnant Women?
Pregnant women have been placed on the vulnerable group. In addition to the CDC guidelines for the Coronavirus, it is important to keep a strong immune system. Please follow the updates directly from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and as much as possible keep your OB appointments while following social distancing and protective gear guidelines.
Should I Breast Feed If I Have Covid 19?
More research is needed to ascertain the precise transmission of the Coronavirus between mother and child. There has been a small number of new born babies reported cases testing positive for the Covid 19.
Coronavirus And Prenatal Classes?
Check with your healthcare system for prenatal classes availability. If your prenatal classes have been cancelled this 3 part series may be helpful.
Part 1 Prenatal virtual class
Part 2 Labor and Birth prenatal virtual class
Part 3 Postnatal virtual class (watch prior to babies birth)
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